The Objectives of The Project
“Better Contrail Mitigation”

Explore the expertise and
discover innovative sources
Discover a wealth of knowledge within
the ``Documents`` section, featuring
the latest updates, research findings,
and publications related to the BeCoM
project. Stay informed with real-time
updates, milestones, and events, while
also exploring a curated collection of
insightful scholarly works and
research papers.
the ``Documents`` section, featuring
the latest updates, research findings,
and publications related to the BeCoM
project. Stay informed with real-time
updates, milestones, and events, while
also exploring a curated collection of
insightful scholarly works and
research papers.
Innovation meets collaboration…
Explore the diverse initiatives within the BeCoM framework, each contributing uniquely to our mission of advancing contrail mitigation research. Dive into the cluster projects, each a vital piece of
environmental sustainability
BeCoM will address the uncertainties related to the forecasting of persistent contrails and their weather-dependent individual radiative effects.
Embark on our collaborative network propelling
BeCoM's success and innovation in contrail
BeCoM's success and innovation in contrail

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

Technische Universiteit Delft

Der Deutsche Wetterdienst

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft und Raumfahrt e.V

Thales Research and Technology