Work Package 6
Dissemination and Exploitation
Participant : Envisa, TUD, DLR, ECATS, CNRS, DWD, Thales
WP leader : Envisa
Start month : 01 – End month : 48
Main contact:
Communicate, disseminate and exploit the project results.
Transpose the scientific findings of BeCoM into formats and tools that are useable by both the scientific and the operational and regulatory communities.
Create a BeCoM platform to communicate to both end-users (e.g., regulators, Airlines) and to the wider audience.
Contribute to maximizing the impact of the project results by taking measures to maintain the datasets and tools created within BeCoM after the end of the project.

Description of work:
T6.1 Establish and embed Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Results (PEDR)
- Develop an initial version of the PEDR by Envisa and ECATS (by M03) with the collaboration of all BeCoM partners. The structure of the PEDR will include: i) identification of specific target groups; ii) main messages to be delivered to each target group or category; iii) measures and activities to reach each target group; iv) time plan for the implementation of the activities, and v) measurable control points and activities assessment by specific key performance indicators (KPIs).
- Continually update the PEDR to accommodate the outcomes of the project, reaching out to new stakeholder groups and programs of work and embrace best practices.
- The PEDR will be presented, and its effectiveness examined at each Steering Committee.
T6.2 Communication of BeCoM and promotion of its results.
- Visual identity: The visual identity will include the project logo, a project brochure for circulation around interested parties and to project the ambition and importance of BeCoM. A number of presentational templates will be designed to foster and reinforce the BeCoM image, and these will include: i) a PowerPoint template for dissemination events; ii) a template for reports, and iii) a poster template.
- Media presence and engagement: A place-holding website will be put online at the project beginning (M02) as the key platform for external and internal communication. Its structure will be based on two sections: An external public area that will encompass: information about the project (WPs and specific activities, objectives, list of partners, and contact details). The initial website will be developed by TUD and Envisa over the first six months of the project and will consider feedback from partners and stakeholders to ensure its utility (M06). The BeCoM website will include: i) details and access to finalized public deliverables; ii) links to other projects funded by the EU and international organizations and related initiatives; iii) a blog-style section with news on project activities, and iv) links to social media.
T6.3 Dissemination of BeCoM results.
- Conferences: BeCoM aims to harness the reach and experience of planned conferences and workshops. Initially, BeCoM will hold its first dissemination conference as a side event of an appropriate conference to disseminate initial results and outcomes. The BeCoM final conference will be organized during M48. BeCoM outcomes, findings, and new insights will be promulgated through the participation of partners in Regulator and industry forums, including CAEP, EAEG, and ECAC. As opportunities arise, partners will participate as speakers in leading events across Europe to address different audiences (i.e., regulatory, airlines, scientific, etc.).
- Scientific papers and articles: As an annex to the PEDR, TUD, DLR and Envisa will develop a publishing strategy and plan (M09). This will include details of target journals and identify indicative numbers of disciplinary papers. The publication strategy will also detail the internal peer review process that will be applied to all public and internal documents.
- Policy Briefs, information, and working papers: A series of policy briefs and working papers will be developed by partners but coordinated by Envisa to address regulator needs and the wider stakeholder community with distillation and interpretation of BeCoM outcomes.
T6.4 Exploitation of BeCoM results and outcomes. (TUD, Envisa) (M01–M48)
Working with all partners, Envisa will implement and regularly review and update the Plan for Use and Dissemination of Results (PUDR) developed for BeCoM. To support IPR management and awareness, Envisa will:
- Ensure all BeCoM partners know the IPR rules stipulated in the consortium agreement and the EC Grant Agreement.
- Ensure that all dissemination activities comply with the agreed publication policy.
- Maintain a knowledge portfolio summarising the results (and IPR) generated in the project.
T6.5 Linking the BeCoM consortium with projects under other call topics and partnerships
This task intends to establish links of BeCoM consortium with projects under other call topics (e.g., HORIZON-CL5-2021-D5-01-06 (digital transformation)) and with the IATM partnership. The following activities are planned:
- Creating linkage via project websites
- Organizing joint workshops to exchange project results
- Having joint conference sessions to harmonize the disseminations